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These are taxidermy blue spotted stingrays. This species of stingray is not an endangered species and is not subject to CITES.
These spiral cut tibia shells, commonly known a Spindle Tibia, are sold in packs of 10 shells. The shells are approximately 4" to 5" long. You will receive an assortment of shells that will look similar to the photos. These beautiful shells may be used as décor items or used to make ornaments, jewelry, and other craft items. A U.S. Fish & Wildlife export permit is required for all shipments outside the U.S.
These whole Tiger Moon Snail shells are sold in one 1-kilogram bags (2.2 pounds). The size of these shells are 0.50"-1". A USFWS export permit is required for all shipments outside the U.S.
Most of the raccoon skins sold in the world have been highlighted for the fashion industry when they are tanned. This process gives the skins and tails a bluish tint. Given that 95% of the skins are highlighted, these are the most commonly available and are generally what you will get when ordering raccoon tails. Small are 4" to 8" Medium are 8" to 10" Large are 10" to 12" Extra Large are 12" to 14" Jumbo are 14" or greater We can make the tails into keychains for a small fee. Add a silver or...
These whole tiny Indian shells are sold in one 1-kilogram bags (2.2 pounds). The size of these shells are up to 0.25". Here are some of the binomial names of the shells that are included in this mix:Cerithidea cingulata. Wild.Umbonium suturale. Wild.Cerastoderma edule. Wild.Nuttallia obscurata. Wild.Nassarius pullus. Wild. A USFWS export permit is required for all shipments outside the U.S.
These are professionally prepared skeleton mounts. Each skeleton is cleaned and articulated in a natural posture on a wooden base with a removable clear acrylic cover. This is a skeleton of the Asian common toad. The case is 5.25" long by 5.25" wide, and 3" high, including the cover. Overall, it weighs 0.67 lbs.
These trochus beads are made from cut and tumbled New Zealand trochus shells.We are now stocking the free-form beads shown above. There are 24 beads per strand.
These Texas western diamondback rattlesnake skins are legally harvested in Texas as part of a program to reduce their numbers in the wild. These project pieces are glycerin-tanned and are suitable for making small craft items such as wallets. Trophy-grade rattles have 14+ buttons and are 2.75"+ long. Please note that these are natural, not manufactured products. While on the rattlesnake, the rattle can be dragged along sand and rocks as the rattlesnake slides around the desert. As such, please...
These are the nicest rattles we have ever seen. They are priced individually. We have a source for Texas western diamondback rattlesnake rattles on a seasonal basis. These are #1 quality rattles from south Texas. For size, we count each fully formed button. The size in inches is for reference and is approximate. The rattles are de-cored and treated with antiseptics. Please note that these are natural, not manufactured products. Many of our musician customers place these rattles inside their...
These are the some of the nicest rattles we have ever seen. They are priced individually. We have a source for Texas western diamondback rattlesnake rattles on a seasonal basis. These are #1 quality rattles from south Texas. For size, we count each fully formed button. The size in inches is for reference and is approximate. The rattles are de-cored and treated with antiseptics. Please note that these are natural, not manufactured products. Many of our musician customers place these...
These are tumbled African abalone shell pieces. This particular species of abalone was recently placed under CITES III trade controls by South Africa in May 2007. In June 2010, the South African government removed the CITES status on this shell. No CITES permits are required any longer. These shells are a by-product of the food industry.